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Author: Maksym Skrypchenko

What’s next for Navalny?

The return of Alexei Navalny to Moscow following his poisoning was understood by the Kremlin as a declaration of war.

March 1, 2021 - Maksym Skrypchenko

Russia is playing with the Open Skies Treaty

The violation of the Treaty on Open Skies is just yet another example of the Russian attitude to international arms control treaties.

February 11, 2021 - Maksym Skrypchenko

Kyrgyzstan and Belarus – USSR 2.0 failed

The recent developments in the former Soviet republics of Kyrgyzstan and Belarus could mean the influence of the Kremlin is weakening.

November 6, 2020 - Maksym Skrypchenko

Occupied Crimea faces a critical water shortage

The lack of a clean water supply is worsening the humanitarian situation on the Crimean peninsula. Russia is increasingly blaming Ukraine for the problem as part of its overall attempts to lift sanctions.

June 23, 2020 - Maksym Skrypchenko

How Russia is influencing the EU and NATO during the pandemic

While the Kremlin has concentrated on the crisis unfolding in Western Europe, serious problems loom at home as the pandemic spreads further into the Russian heartland.

April 9, 2020 - Maksym Skrypchenko


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