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Author: Maciej Olchawa

A delayed success: The result of the Kwaśniewski-Cox mission in Ukraine

Viktor Yanukovych has been accused of treason. The former Ukrainian president is in hiding in Russia and did not appear at his hearing in Kyiv’s district court. It was therefore decided that he would be tried in absentia. Could he have avoided such a fate?

October 30, 2017 - Maciej Olchawa

The Kyiv Uprising scenario

On August 1st at exactly 5pm, Warsaw will remain motionless. Sirens and horns will shriek, people will pause, and all traffic – cars, buses, and trams – will stop in its tracks. As every year, for a few minutes, it will feel as if time is standing still. This is done to pay homage to the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. The uprising that began on August 1st 1944 and lasted for 63 days has become Poland’s national symbol of martyrdom. But the commemorations and tributes to the veterans that are still living are always accompanied by a national debate: “Was it worth it?”

July 27, 2017 - Maciej Olchawa


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