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Author: Łukasz Wojtusik

Everything is a Hypothesis

Sławomir Mrożek was a Polish playwright and writer, who had spent much of the last half-century in exile.  Mrożek died on August 15th 2013 in his home in Nice (France) at the age of 83. On September 17th 2013, Mrożek’s remains will be entombed in the new national pantheon in Kraków (Poland). On this occasion […]

September 16, 2013 - Łukasz Wojtusik

The Northern Path

A Review of Lotem gęsi (Following the Path of Geese) by Mariusz Wilk. This review originally appeared in New Eastern Europe 3(IV)/2012. Mariusz Wilk, Polish writer and wanderer, does not write his diaries like others do. Wilk has a different intellectual perspective in writing: for him what matters is space and place, and to follow Wilk, […]

August 13, 2012 - Łukasz Wojtusik

An Unfinished Project

A conversation with Dr Michał Rusinek, literary scholar, personal secretary to the late Wisława Szymborska. This interview originally appeared on the Polish Radio program TOK FM and was published online. We are grateful for TOK FM’s permission to translate and reprint the interview. ŁUKASZ WOJTUSIK:  When you talk about Wisława Szymborska's recent collection of poems […]

April 26, 2012 - Łukasz Wojtusik

A Citizen of the North

Mariusz Wilk is a Polish author, journalist and former Solidarity member. His book Journals of a White Sea Wolf has been translated into several languages tells the story of his life on the Solovki Islands, an isolated archipelago in Russia’s north. He has since relocated to the village – as he calls it – of Konda Bierezna in […]

April 16, 2012 - Łukasz Wojtusik

Wisława Szymborska: Subtle Connections Between the Lines

An interview with Polish poet and writer, Wojciech Bonowicz. This interview originally appeared on the Polish Radio program TOK FM and was published online. We are greatful for TOK FM’s permission to translate and reprint the interview.    ŁUKASZ WOJTUSIK (TOK FM):  Death is always difficult to accept, especially when someone close passes  away: even […]

February 6, 2012 - Łukasz Wojtusik


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