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Author: Lucian Tion

With one foot in the Soviet past and the other in Europe

A conversation with Zhanna Maksymenko-Dovhych, a film director and writer from Ukraine. Interviewer: Lucian Tion

LUCIAN TION: In a somewhat aggressive scene from your film Holiday, a conflict arises between participants of the May 9th Parade wearing the poppy flower symbol on their collar and others wearing a black and orange ribbon. In order to appropriately discuss your film, we need to first explain what the tacit confrontation in Holiday is all about. So first, what does the poppy symbol represent?

ZHANNA MAKSYMENKO-DOVHYCH: The poppy is a European symbol representing the memory of the Second World War. It is made of red and black colours, of course. The other side has an orange and black insignia.

August 26, 2019 - Lucian Tion Zhanna Maksymenko-Dovhych

Apology for the Vandals: Is the state sponsoring ethnic conflict in Transylvania?

Recent historiographical evidence is starting to progressively exonerate the ancient migratory tribes for their so-called “acts of vandalism”. After extensive research into their actions, scholars now agree that the Vandals, who coined the term “vandalism” for their sacking of Rome, were not as barbaric as early historians would have us believe. In fact they were vilified not because they were “bad”, but because they were a menace to the Romans who saw them as challenging the status quo and thus bringing “disorder” to Europe. Even though widely considered a misnomer today, the Vandal legacy lived on to such a degree that it now describes any destructive acts performed on public property.

April 15, 2014 - Lucian Tion

Time for the Eastern European Union?

Whether called “racial superiority” in the 18th century, the “Yellow Peril” in the 19th, or “Lebensraum” in the 20th, Europe has pursued straightforward expansionism, or fought tooth and nail against an ongoing, oversized, and wildly irrational fear of invasion (mostly originating from the East). Over time, this – as yet still legitimate – action performed in […]

February 12, 2013 - Lucian Tion


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