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Author: Kazimierz Popławski

It Is Possible to Work Together

A Conversation with Zsolt Simon, Vice-Chair of the party Most-Híd The political party Most-Híd in Slovakia was created in 2009. Its main goal is to create a Slovakia that is multi-ethnic and multi-cultural. The name of the party is made up of the word “bridge” in both Slovakian and Hungarian. KAZIMIERZ POPŁAWSKI: In the last […]

June 13, 2012 - Kazimierz Popławski

Catharsis or a Headache? Parliamentary elections in Slovakia

The fast-approaching early parliamentary elections in Slovakia will bring changes on the political scene and along with it either a national catharsis or a huge headache. Everything will be decided on the March 10th. For several months, the current Slovakian government has been low on luck. In the autumn of 2011, as a result of […]

March 9, 2012 - Kazimierz Popławski


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