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Author: Kamil Całus

Limits of impunity

The case of mayoral candidate Andrei Nastase, who was blocked from assuming office in the Moldovan capital, is a warning to the whole region. Democracies are increasingly threatened by powerful oligarchs and their interests.

July 5, 2018 - Kamil Całus

The Transnistrian gambit

Over the past few weeks unprecedented progress in the negotiations between the government in Chișinău and the authorities of the breakaway-separatist region of Transnistria has unfolded. The progress has caused modest hope for a breakthrough in this 25-year-long frozen conflict and it should rather be seen as a tool in Vlad Plahotniuc's political game. The oligarch ruling over Moldova cleverly draws on a beneficial international environment and the favourability of Moscow and Tiraspol.

December 21, 2017 - Kamil Całus

Moldova’s odd couple: Plahotniuc and Dodon

In recent months, the Moldovan parliament passed two bills which aim to change the country’s electoral system. It now seems ever more likely that Moldova will adopt a mixed electoral model and increase the chances of Vlad Plahotniuc, an oligarch (who is the wealthiest and most influential man in Moldova) and leader of the biggest pro-European party in the ruling coalition, to stay in power after the planned 2018 parliamentary elections. Time and again, Plahotniuc has found support from his formal rival – the leader of the pro-Russian socialists, President Igor Dodon.

June 1, 2017 - Kamil Całus

Moldova. 25 years of state of emergency

Since the very beginning of its independent existence, the Republic of Moldova has been a unique state in the post-Soviet space. As the only Soviet republic, Moldova declared independence (on August 27th, 1991) not in order to build its own political future, but to become part of another country - Romania. The unification project collapsed, however (due to the outbreak of civil war, subsequent disintegration of the state and the lack of interest in the project in Romania), and the young state suddenly found herself in an ideological vacuum.

September 5, 2016 - Kamil Całus

Transnistrian “House of Cards”

With the presidential election planned for December 11th, the political situation in Transnistria is becoming increasingly tense. Holding the majority of seats in the Supreme Council (the local parliament), the opposition, which is closely connected to the main economic force in the region, a corporation named “Sheriff”, has focused its efforts on criticising current president Yevgeny Shevchuk. The opposition has accused the unrecognised republic’s leader of misappropriation of 100 million USD from public funds and also of high treason. In his defence, Shevchuk has portrayed the opposition as a tool in the hands of the oligarchs and looked to the Kremlin for support. However, it seems unlikely that Russia will back Shevchuk, who has been widely unpopular. The disastrous economic situation of the republic, largely due to his policies, has not worked in his favour. Meanwhile, it seems that the opposition has already chosen his successor.

June 7, 2016 - Kamil Całus

Crimean Gagauzia?

The Russian intervention in Crimea showed that Moscow is willing to use its armed forces to achieve its strategic goal of preventing Ukraine and other Eastern Partnership countries from deepening their integration with the European Union. Previously, the instruments the Kremlin used to achieve this goal were limited to political and economic pressures. In particular, Moldova is worth examining.

March 13, 2014 - Kamil Całus

Expectations and Reality Collide in Tiraspol

In January 2013, Yevgeny Shevchuk, the president of Transnistria, completed his first year as head of this unrecognised state. But has the young politician managed to fulfil any of the domestic or international expectations during his first year in office? Since coming to power in early 2012, both the people of Transnistria and the international […]

June 9, 2013 - Kamil Całus

Vlad Filat: A vote of no confidence in Moldova

On February 13th 2013, Moldovan prime minister Vlad Filat announced that his Liberal-Democratic Party of Moldova (LDPM) was withdrawing from the 2010 coalition agreement from which the pro-Western Alliance for European Integration (AIE) was established. This decision was a surprise for many analysts and journalists writing on Moldovan issues, as well as for Chișinău’s partners. […]

March 14, 2013 - Kamil Całus

I Don’t Want to Go Back

Interview with Gleb Pavlovsky, Russian political consultant, academic, and journalist.  KAMIL CAŁUS & MARTA BARTKOWIAK: How do you select the leader in Russia? A rather peculiar cycle of leadership is operating in Russia. The leader is not selected from a group of candidates competing for power. There is no alternative for the leader assuming power. […]

June 27, 2012 - Kamil Całus


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