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Author: Kaja Puto

A new Georgia?

The more peripheral an Eastern European country is, the more vigorously it waves the European Union flag. Georgia waves it the most vigorously, even though it is located in Asia. Europe could not have been moved to Georgia neither with pleads, nor with threats. Thus, Georgia has decided to settle for an imitation.

October 4, 2017 - Kaja Puto

A film which divides Poles and Ukrainians

This piece originally appeared in Issue 1/2017 of New Eastern Europe. Subscribe now.

January 23, 2017 - Kaja Puto


Dear Pen Pal,

My name is Slavko. I am eleven years old and I live in Eastern Europe. My English teacher told me to write to you and tell you about my home. For some time now, there is no more Russian in schools, but English. In the student's book, there were a lot of useless expressions like tiles or local community. I had to look up in the dictionary to see how to say blokowisko in English. I found: “residential district consisting of large blocks of flats.” Mom said she wasn't sure that was it and maybe you don't have such a word.

August 16, 2016 - Kaja Puto

The priest forgets that he was a clerk

The post-war history of West Berlin (and later unified Berlin) is above all the history of migration. Today, Berlin is the dreamed-of destination for refugees from the Middle East, but only thirty years ago it was Poles who submitted the majority of asylum claims in West Germany. Unfortunately, despite having had similar experiences to Middle Easterners, Berlin-based Poles do not show much empathy towards the newcomers.

July 5, 2016 - Kaja Puto


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