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Author: Josh Black

Europe Must Not Let the Far-Right Ruin Ukraine’s Moment

Things were simpler in Karl Marx’s time. Back then, only one spectre was haunting Europe, and a committed communist knew just what to do about it.

February 25, 2014 - Josh Black

Back in the USSR

How The Beatles Rocked the Kremlin. The untold story of a noisy revolution. By: Leslie Woodhead. Publisher: Bloomsbury, New York, 2013. What began as the peak of youthful idealism collapsed under unprecedented cynicism, long before outsiders expected. Whether it was external influences, the corrupting influence of money, or sheer internal opposition, the departure of a […]

September 20, 2013 - Josh Black

Why Obama is Wrong to Snub Moscow

Not for the first time this year, Russia's president has had his American opposite number at a disadvantage.

August 8, 2013 - Josh Black

Lutsenko’s Pardon – for international consumption

The first analyses of President Yanukovych's decision to pardon Yuriy Lutsenko have rightly focused on the international implications of the decision. Aside from questions over Lutsenko's health, reports of a split amongst supporters of the president over the lack of progress on EU integration suggest that Yanukovych may have been pressured into making a gesture […]

April 8, 2013 - Josh Black

The Heart of the Cold War

A review of George F. Kennan: An American Life. By: John Lewis Gaddis. Publisher: Penguin Books, London, 2012. George Frost Kennan, America’s most influential sovietologist and author of one of the fundamentals of US Cold War strategy, has a considerable claim to fame. According to no less an authority than Henry Kissinger, “No other foreign […]

January 31, 2013 - Josh Black

Parties and Party Systems in Central and Eastern Europe

A conference held at St Antony’s College, Oxford on November 16th to 17th 2012 sought to examine the bases for party systems across Central and Eastern Europe as part of an ongoing research project looking at Media and Democracy in the region. Looking back to 1989, the party systems which have since sprung up and […]

November 28, 2012 - Josh Black

Eurovision: Thuggery and Football

In the end, the BBC's exposé of football hooliganism in Ukraine and Poland lived up to the PR trail.

May 31, 2012 - Josh Black

Putin and the Bicycle

For most journalists, analysts and political actors, the most exhilarating possible moment is when a population who had previously been thought of as apathetic, quiescent and defeatist turns on its government.  Russia after the December 2011 Duma elections is such a place.  In Moscow, St Petersburg and Astrakhan, thousands have marched to protest against fraudulent […]

May 23, 2012 - Josh Black

Travelling Backwards

A review of Putin’s Progress: Four Films on Vladimir Putin and his influence over Russia. Shown at The Rich Mix (London) March 3rd 2012.

March 10, 2012 - Josh Black


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