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Author: Jakub Parusinski

Bridges Burnt in Ukraine

Two months ago, Ukraine’s EuroMaidan protests were the biggest pro-European demonstration in history, and in some ways were at the forefront of the battle for Europe’s soul.

February 19, 2014 - Jakub Parusinski

The Ticking Time Bomb in Kyiv

Over the past week authorities have used bombs as excuses to close metro stations and airports, fearing the arrival of protesters. But while those alarms were false, the threat to Ukraine is very real.

December 16, 2013 - Jakub Parusinski

Ukraine and the EU: A change in tone

Ukraine, and Kyiv in particular, is a place with no middle gear. In summer months life trudges along at a snail's pace, sometimes stopping altogether as masses flock to the countryside or Mediterranean resorts.

November 3, 2013 - Jakub Parusinski

Ukraine’s Media Landscape: The dark ages

She sat there each morning, at the entrance to the metro. An elderly lady, shouting out the headlines of the day, selling the nation's main daily Segodnya (Today). Not a particularly informative read – murders, scams and scandals, Ukraine's equivalent of the Daily Mail. Still, it provided some insight into how recent developments were being […]

August 13, 2013 - Jakub Parusinski

Digging the Trenches

European officials have described the Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius this November as a last chance to sign the Association Agreement and move forward with Ukraine's European integration project before the 2015 presidential elections.

July 23, 2013 - Jakub Parusinski

Doing Less for Less

When China's latest GDP figures were released in April, showing that growth in the Middle Kingdom had slowed considerably, the markets became scared.

May 14, 2013 - Jakub Parusinski

Lutsenko Pardon is No Signal for Change

The rollercoaster that is Ukrainian politics took an unexpected turn on April 7th, when President Viktor Yanukovych pardoned several opposition figures, most notably Yuriy Lutsenko. The move was welcomed by European leaders, who have repeatedly appealed for Ukraine to address the issue of selective application of justice – a key condition for the Association Agreement […]

April 9, 2013 - Jakub Parusinski

Ukraine’s Gas Dilemma: Two steps forward, two steps back

Ukraine is finally taking serious strides towards energy independence, its biggest geopolitical headache. New deals should boost production from unconvential energy resources, alternative sources are being explored and local consumption is being reduced. Yet Russian Gazprom's single biggest client is not out of the woods just yet. A recent seven billion dollar bill for unpurchased […]

March 6, 2013 - Jakub Parusinski

Svoboda’s Mainstream Challenge

In October 2012 Svoboda took the Ukrainian political scene by storm, entering parliament for the first time with 37 seats out of 450. Dismissed by many as being too radical to bring on real change, the party is now taking up popular mainstream causes, trying to move beyond its base in Central and Western Ukraine, […]

January 29, 2013 - Jakub Parusinski

Fights, Fury, But No Solutions

It only took two days of brawls in parliament and bare-breasted protests for Ukraine to return to the exact same place it was before the elections, with the reappointment of the Soviet-era politician Mykola Azarov as prime minister. Azarov's return clears the way for the formation of a new government (ministers are directly appointed by […]

December 16, 2012 - Jakub Parusinski

Ukraine’s Elections: Eyes on the opposition

With the final tallies in Ukraine's 28th October election coming to an end, it seems the ruling Party of Regions is set to be victorious, ready to take on another five-year term. But as allegations of massive fraud keep coming in and the international community continues to hesitate about the most appropriate response, it is […]

November 7, 2012 - Jakub Parusinski

The Hijacking of Ukraine’s Democracy

In downtown Kyiv smartly dressed businessmen and chic women brush past the teens distributing political pamphlets, speeding off to their appointments. Neither looks particularly enthusiastic. Summer has been replaced by the soggy greyness of autumn, and the elections – with all their generic billboards and empty promises – seem nothing but contrived. Although keenly aware […]

October 17, 2012 - Jakub Parusinski


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