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Author: J P O’ Malley

Serbian director finds way to confront dark past

Serbian film director Vladimir Perišić seems perfectly content belonging to a tradition of cinema that operates outside of the mainstream. There are no big budgets or huge audiences. But he is okay with that and can still find a cult audience across Europe that appreciates his work. “I like to work with small crews and non-actors and being in this marginal position allows me to have this artistic freedom,” he admits.

Vladimir Perišić is not intentionally trying to sound like Vladimir Putin. But the Serbian director is deadly serious when he says that “the break-up of Yugoslavia was a huge historical mistake.” He claims the six ex-Yugoslav republics – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia (including the regions of Kosovo and Vojvodina) – are today “all obsessed with their national histories, most of which are a total fantasy”.

April 11, 2024 - J P O’ Malley

Presenting the Wider Picture

A conversation with Halik Kochanski, historian, and author of The Eagle Unbowed: Poland and the Poles in the Second World War. Interviewer: J P O’ Malley A review of The Eagle Unbowed can also be found in the January – March (No. 1(VI) / 2013) issue of New Eastern Europe, available now in bookshops and newsstands. NEW […]

January 1, 2013 - J P O’ Malley


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