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Author: Horia-Victor Lefter

Romania’s Institutional Confrontation: When politics become a game of chess

The political struggle in Romania between President Traian Băsescu and Prime Minister Victor Ponta came to a critical juncture when, the Constitutional Court invalidated the July referendum to impeach the president, on August 21st. Despite this decision, the political institutional battles are far from over.

August 23, 2012 - Horia-Victor Lefter

The French Presidential Elections: a New President, a New Foreign Policy?

With only two candidates left in the running, the French are divided as to who is best fitted to become their new president: Nicolas Sarkozy or François Hollande. However, both Europe and the rest of the world wonder about the impact the next president of a leading state will have on their future.

May 1, 2012 - Horia-Victor Lefter

Moldova’s Little March

After 917 days of political gridlock under the sign of the “little March”, the Moldovan Parliament has elected a President. Many leaders, out of exasperation, hastened to congratulate the new head of state, despite the risk of shouting victory too early, most believed the “challenge”, as Martin Schultz (President of the European Parliament – editor’s […]

March 29, 2012 - Horia-Victor Lefter

Belarus: Defining a European policy between the EU’s East and West

After the December 2010 elections and the repression that followed, Belarus and the European Union have fallen once more out of love. In this context of isolation, questions are raised whether the European Union has defined the best strategy towards Belarus. Far from reaching a consensus among the EU's member countries, western Europe seems to […]

February 29, 2012 - Horia-Victor Lefter


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