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Author: Hayden Berry

Back in the USSR – Heroic Adventures in Transnistria

After the success of their book Missing Lives, which tells the tragic and heartbreaking stories of 15 missing people in the former Yugoslavia, award-winning photojournalist Nick Danziger and best-selling author Rory MacLean return with a new book: Back in the USSR – Heroic Adventures in Transnistria. With the idea that the book will be published […]

June 4, 2013 - Hayden Berry

Dishonest Promises and Illegitimate Regimes

HAYDEN BERRY: As an American, what attracted you to Central and Eastern Europe? ANNE APPLEBAUM: I read a lot of Russian literature when I was a teenager, and got the idea that I wanted to be able to read it in the original. But this was the 1980s, at the height of the “second” Cold […]

April 28, 2013 - Hayden Berry

From Ashgabat to Minsk: Educational migrants in Belarus

Hayden Berry talks to Minsk-based, instrumental post-rock band PBB. This interview is a special addition to New Eastern Europe Issue 2 (VII) / 2013: Painful Past, Fragile Future. To read an article by Evgeny Kaprov about music in Belarus entitled The Hidden Fruit of the Underground, please download the whole issue from our mobile application. Hayden Berry: […]

April 14, 2013 - Hayden Berry

Dyed Hair and Pierced Eyebrows: Music and politics in Western Ukraine

A man with a rather large bushy grey moustache plonked three glasses of thin brackish coffee down on the fold-away table of our railway carriage and demanded 12 hryvnia (around 1 euro). It wasn't so much the clink and crash of the glasses as they hit the table which surprised us the most, but rather […]

October 25, 2012 - Hayden Berry

Strange Details: Love, loathing and the FSB

In 2007 Luke Harding was posted to Russia as the Guardian newspaper’s new Moscow bureau chief. Taking his wife and two young children with him, they were subjected to intimidation and harassment over the course of the next four years at the hands of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). In February 2011, while entering […]

October 21, 2012 - Hayden Berry

The Future of Energy Security in Europe

A discussion with Tomas Maltby (University of Manchester), Andrew Judge (University of Strathclyde), and Jack Sharples (University of Glasgow). This discussion took place on April 1st 2012 during the BASEES Conference at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. Interviewer: Hayden Berry I would like to start by asking you all what the future of energy security in Europe is? […]

April 2, 2012 - Hayden Berry

How I Didn’t Make It Big in Ukraine

*** Hayden Berry is Assistant Editor at New Eastern Europe and a Krakow-based musician. He recently played a few concerts in Eastern Europe. This is his personal account of his misadventure in Kyiv and how he missed his one shot at hitting the Ukrainian big time. *** On February 9th 2012, I flew into an […]

March 16, 2012 - Hayden Berry

From a British Perspective

An interview with Robin Barnett, the British Ambassador to Poland. The second part of this interview can be found on the Krakow Post website. NEW EASTERN EUROPE: You have worked for the British Government for over 30 years, and first came to Poland in 1982. What are some of your personal experiences of living under martial […]

February 24, 2012 - Hayden Berry

Arts, Education and Democracy

An interview with Andy Williams, Director of the British Council, Poland, and the Director of the British Council, Azerbaijan, between 2004 and 2008. NEW EASTERN EUROPE: You have worked for the British Council for over 20 years and first came to Poland in 1990. What are your personal experiences of living in the early days […]

January 5, 2012 - Hayden Berry


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