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Author: German Carboni

A guideline to Belarusian repressive methods. Dealing with structural roots of dissent

The 2020 mass protests took place thanks to a vibrant private sector that produced a highly-skilled, well-paid urban class not tied to Lukashenka’s social contract. Lukashenka response can be seen partly in his Soviet upbringing and political career which produced a worldview not devoid of class-based categories. Thus, he attacked the means that sustain the existence of the opposition, with an approach reminiscent of Stalin’s policies towards kulaks.

September 28, 2021 - German Carboni

Ryanair flight hijacking: part of a bigger strategy?

The recent emboldened moves made by Lukashenka seem to be pushing Belarus even closer into Russia's embrace. Faced with behaviours difficult to explain one must ask - who gains?

June 9, 2021 - German Carboni

Ukraine’s cautious strategy towards Belarus

There has been much change in the relationship between Ukraine and Belarus following last year’s events. Have five years of positive relations been ruined in just four months?

January 29, 2021 - German Carboni

Belarus is not Ukraine: a radically different game for the EU

The similarities between the situation in Belarus today and Ukraine in 2014 are evident. The differences, however, are so significant they should prevent us from making easy comparisons.

August 24, 2020 - German Carboni


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