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Author: Francis Farrell

“The place of my death and my life”- the sublime agony of Azovstal

The story of the last stand at Mariupol’s steel works that captured the world’s attention, and why the tragedy remains far from over.

July 15, 2022 - Francis Farrell

As the dust settles, it’s time to admit: Alexei Navalny overplayed his hand, and has let Russia down

“What is the greatest fear of this toad sitting on the pipe? What are these bunker-dwelling thieves most afraid of? You know very well yourself. People taking to the streets.”

August 2, 2021 - Francis Farrell

The battle for Shusha: the cauldron of generational pain at the heart of the Nagorno-Karabakh war

The capture of the fortress city of Shusha, known as the "Jerusalem of Karabakh", became the defining moment in the six week long war.

November 12, 2020 - Francis Farrell


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