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Author: Dzmitry Pravatorau

Overcoming Russocentrism in academia

An impulse to reach for the first apparently obvious solution can be detrimental to academic analysis and to policies associated with it.

May 22, 2024 - Dzmitry Pravatorau

Vilnius Summit: yet again the triumph of a “grey zone”

The inability of some NATO Allies in the West to not see the bigger picture in Ukraine is costing lives every day. While states in the region continue to raise the alarm, many of their partners are still frozen with indecision.

July 21, 2023 - Dzmitry Pravatorau

“Whose side is Facebook on in this war?” Lithuanian activists ask

With little leverage against social media giants such as Meta, countries like Lithuania face an uphill battle in the fight against disinformation online.

April 25, 2023 - Dzmitry Pravatorau


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