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Author: Dmitry Babich

Twenty Years of Russian Statehood

Twenty years ago, on New Year’s Eve between December 31, 1991 and January 1, 1992, the red Soviet banner was lowered over the Kremlin and the Russian Federation was born.  In our attempts at looking back we Russians often come back to that New Year’s Day, asking ourselves: was it possible to avoid? Was the […]

December 31, 2011 - Dmitry Babich

“Puppets” Cracked up to be Independent, But Not Anti-Russian

Can any good thing come from Nazareth? The Western and some Russian media have got so much accustomed to calling the “unrecognized” states on the territories of Moldova and Georgia the Kremlin's puppets that almost simultaneous competitive elections in South Ossetia and Transnistria, as well as a few months earlier in Abkhazia, were a surprise […]

December 27, 2011 - Dmitry Babich

What is to be done on Saturday?

I am writing this blog in my Moscow office, after a day of talks with my friends and mere acquaintances, some of whom are enthused about going to the protest rally on Saturday. The pronounced aim of the mass rally, tentatively sanctioned by the authorities to take place near the “backyard” of the Kremlin, on […]

December 9, 2011 - Dmitry Babich

The End of the Medvedev Delusion

This year’s session of the Valdai Discussion Club, a motley crew of world experts on Russia who meet once a year with Russia’s top leaders and visit one of its 83 regions, was somewhat down to earth and even prosaic. No Cossack dances, not even a stroll through the city of Kaluga, 160 kilometers to […]

November 16, 2011 - Dmitry Babich


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