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Author: Caroline Beshenich

Legitimacy, occupation and sexual abuse

The war in Ukraine and its consequences have shone a light on particular issues faced by women in conflict. With civilians often forced into compliance by Russia’s occupying forces, women are especially vulnerable to sexual abuse. Such criminal actions could ultimately be utilised as a deliberate weapon of war, intended specifically to enforce a wider model of occupation in the country and reconstruct the national identity to accept the new government.

April 20, 2022 - Caroline Beshenich

Russian constructivism: a lens for understanding Moscow’s political actions

The individual Russian citizen possesses an identity formed by their history, values and national identity. The domestic relationship between the country’s people and government rests upon the pillars of economic and national security, which naturally form an integral part of the country’s international goals. These two points have encouraged Russia to pursue competition with the West.

January 10, 2022 - Caroline Beshenich


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