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Author: Benas Gerdžiūnas

A hedgehog in Russia’s throat? Understanding Lithuania’s citizen army

During the opening stage of the Russian invasion, Ukraine’s army devastated Russian forces through the use of drones, ambushes, and society-wide mobilization. Lithuania is now aiming to prepare its population to do the same.

October 2, 2024 - Benas Gerdžiūnas LRT

Is Russia targeting Lithuanian volunteers in Ukraine?

Numerous foreign volunteers are now present in Ukraine, delivering aid or fighting on the frontline against Russia’s invasion. Recent reports suggest that Moscow may be deliberately targeting such groups.

August 26, 2024 - Benas Gerdžiūnas LRT

Behind Lithuania’s all-in Taiwan bet

Lithuania’s Taiwan pivot became the most high-profile example of the country’s proclaimed values-based foreign policy. Behind the layers of rhetoric, the emerging picture hints at other motives behind the move.

September 15, 2023 - Benas Gerdžiūnas LRT

‘I don’t feel safe anymore.’ Belarusians in Lithuania – yesterday’s friends, today’s foes?

With a new law in Lithuania, Belarusian exiles in Vilnius have found themselves facing a new reality – are they no longer welcome?

June 27, 2023 - Benas Gerdžiūnas LRT

‘Lithuania was manipulated.’ Belarusian dissidents run headlong into migrant smuggling operation

On July 1st, Andrey Sharenda and Olga Pavlova slipped unseen past what looked like a Belarusian border guard camp set up metres from Lithuania. Moments later, a few dozen migrants crossed the border after them.

August 6, 2021 - Benas Gerdžiūnas LRT


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