Interview with Jerzy Bahr, former Polish ambassador to Russia. Interviewer: Bartosz Marcinkowski
BARTOSZ MARCINKOWSKI: Popular support for Vladimir Putin in Russia has reached a new high, more than 80 per cent, following the annexation of Crimea. In your view does today’s Russia equal Putin?
JERZY BAHR: I think that in history, there are moments when the path of a leader’s personal career and greatness converge with the path of the people and they begin to share a special connection and chemistry. In this case, Putin’s support of 82 per cent that you mentioned can be seen as something he had anticipated before annexing Crimea. I do not think that he could have achieved this in any other circumstance. At the same time, however, such high support for a leader in the context of a very sensitive issue, such as territorial integrity and the flagrant violation of international law, will not last long. This chemistry runs out very quickly.
June 20, 2014 -
Bartosz Marcinkowski