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Author: Ayaz Rzayev

Several reasons why Baku should not be interested in provocation along the border with Armenia

Skirmishes in the borderlands of Armenia and Azerbaijan raise fears of escalation.

July 15, 2020 - Ayaz Rzayev Murad Muradov Polad Muradli Rusif Huseynov

Karabakh peace talks after the Vienna meeting

In a new round of negotiations, both Armenia and Azerbaijan appeared to express their intentions to make peace among themselves and resolve their long-disputed territory claims. It did not take long for the negotiation process to get spoiled by the jingoistic and nationalist rhetoric against the very idea of negotiating peace for Nagorno-Karabakh.

May 7, 2019 - Ayaz Rzayev

Beyond secessionism: How “impatient regionalism” could hurt foreign policy of EU member states

External actions of local governments are developed and regulated based on the competences vested in them by the national laws. While local authorities occasionally tend to ignore these regulations, they have to be aware of the consequences of their actions and bear in mind the circumstances abroad that should be handled with extreme caution.

January 15, 2018 - Ayaz Rzayev


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