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Author: Artem Oliinyk

Russia is investing a lot of money in its cybernetic systems and agency networks

Ukraine has found itself on the frontline of Russia’s growing cyber strategy over the past decade. Other states in the region must now learn from Kyiv’s experiences in order to develop an effective response to such actions.

February 18, 2022 - Artem Oliinyk Mykola Volkivskyi Yuri Vanetik

Is Uzbekistan’s re-elected President Mirziyoyev the key to sustainable development in Central Asia, including Afghanistan?

Independent Uzbekistan has been no stranger to controversy. Once ruled by the autocratic Islam Karimov, the country had failed to make any serious changes to its political system as recently as 2016. Ongoing reforms by President Mirziyoyev, however, suggest that the country and even the region may now be changing for the better.

December 16, 2021 - `Sarvar Khalikov Artem Oliinyk Joanna Cygler Mykola Volkivskyi 


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