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Author: Annabelle Chapman

A Journey to Russia’s Heartland

The Last Man in Russia: And The Struggle To Save A Dying Nation. By: Oliver Bullough. Publisher: Basic Books/Allen Lane, New York, London, 2013.

September 26, 2013 - Annabelle Chapman

The Joys of Being Russian

Annabelle Chapman, a journalist focusing on Eastern Europe, talks to Oliver Bullough about his new book The Last Man in Russia: And The Struggle To Save A Dying Nation.

July 7, 2013 - Annabelle Chapman

Ukraine Goodbye… Hello World

Annabelle Chapman reviews Ukraine Goodbye, a film anthology project premiered on October 25th 2012 at the 42nd Kyiv Molodist International Film Festival. Ukrainian cinema is hard to come by, even in Ukraine. So I jumped at the opportunity to watch this anthology called Ukraine Goodbye in Kyiv this November (trailer). Six short films, two hours in […]

November 13, 2012 - Annabelle Chapman

A Historian of the Present

A Historian of the Present: A conversation with Timothy Garton Ash, British historian and expert on Central and Eastern Europe.  NEW EASTERN EUROPE: You not only reported, but participated in, the revolutions of 1989. How did you first travel to Central Europe? TIMOTHY GARTON ASH: Thomas Mann is really to blame. Through reading his novels, I […]

September 13, 2012 - Annabelle Chapman

Behind the Scenes – Belarus Free Theatre

Evening. A leafy Oxford suburb in early summer. I take my place in the theatre amid academics and indefinite Russophiles, knowing that as soon as the lights dim, I will be transported far away. This is Minsk 2011, performed by the legendary Belarus Free Theatre. The Theatre was founded in 2005 by husband and wife […]

August 10, 2012 - Annabelle Chapman

Still Looking at the Stars

Europe: An Unfinished ProjectEdited by: Michał Bardel and Grzegorz JankowiczPublished by: Fundacja Tygodnika PowszechnegoKraków 2011 You are sitting outside in the Central European sunshine. Over black coffee, your erudite companion – a writer, a historian, perhaps – is sharing his thoughts. Around you, crisis: rising unemployment statistics, endless political negotiations, a lack of purpose. But you […]

April 18, 2012 - Annabelle Chapman

From Russia With (More) Love

Review of BBC’s Putin, Russia & the West With Russia’s presidential election imminent, a major British documentary reviews the rise of Vladimir Putin. Putin, Russia and the West has excited the public and provoked debate about Russia and how it is represented in the western media. The documentary, consisting of four hour-long episodes, was screened […]

February 24, 2012 - Annabelle Chapman

Dissecting the Dream

One year has passed since Belarus’s latest Presidential election. On 19 December 2010, Alexander Lukashenko was reelected in a rigged contest and the resulting protests repressed with unprecedented brutality. These events are revisited in a new documentary film, Belarusian Dream (Белорусская мечта, in Russian). Premiered in secret in Minsk in November, the film was directed […]

December 23, 2011 - Annabelle Chapman


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