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Author: Andrzej Brzeziecki

A western in Warsaw

A Covert Action. Reagan, the CIA, and the Cold War Struggle in Poland. By: Seth G. Jones. Publisher: W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2018.

When on December 13th 1981 the Polish communist leader Wojciech Jaruzelski introduced Martial Law in Poland, Ronald Reagan, the US president at that time, was vacationing at Camp David. The interpretation of this fact still remains ambiguous today: were the Americans surprised by the decision of the Polish communist authorities? Or was the president’s weekend outing a demonstration of his peace of mind? This question remains unanswered, even though it is widely known that the defecting Polish Colonel, Ryszard Kukliński, had informed the CIA about the communists’ plans to introduce Martial Law. Why, in that case, did the Americans not warn the Polish underground?

March 4, 2019 - Andrzej Brzeziecki

The Course towards Europe Will Continue

An Interview with Valeriy Chaly, Deputy Director the Razumkov Centre. Interviewer: Andrzej Brzeziecki ANDRZEJ BRZEZIECKI: What do you see in common between the Euromaidan demonstrations and the Orange Revolution? VALERIY CHALY: The events taking place currently indeed resemble the Orange Revolution. The protesters are using the same techniques as ten years ago. Today and then […]

December 6, 2013 - Andrzej Brzeziecki

We Did Not Ask Moscow for Permission

On October 28th 2013, Tadeusz Mazowiecki died at the age of 86. Mazowiecki was the first non-communist Prime Minister of Poland.

October 28, 2013 - Andrzej Brzeziecki

Explosive Drama or a Spectacle?

Four explosions and almost 40 people wounded. Let’s agree: things could have been much worse. Or maybe they couldn’t? Maybe this is the way they were meant to happen. It will probably take some time before we know – if we ever know – who was behind today’s attacks in Dnipropetrovsk.

April 27, 2012 - Andrzej Brzeziecki

Spinning with Batka

 In the relations between the European Union and Belarus not much has changed for quite some time: sanctions, thaws, threats and so on. Lukashenko’s recent request for western ambassadors to leave Minsk has added just one more dizzying spin.

February 29, 2012 - Andrzej Brzeziecki

Putin-Media: (In)decisive Confrontation

Each era has its own peculiar media wars. The recent attacks by the regime on the independent media – or at least those which aspire to – is like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut compared to the wars that were waged against the media by the Kremlin a decade ago.

February 27, 2012 - Andrzej Brzeziecki

Tymoshenko is Not the Only One

The verdict convicting Yulia Tymoshenko is a scandal. Obviously, this is not the end of the court battle but it clearly shows the intentions of the current government and a full dependence of Ukraine’s judiciary system on those who are now in power. The verdict really came as no surprise. We’ve all known that things […]

October 12, 2011 - Andrzej Brzeziecki

There Will Be No Reintegration

In Russia, the most important political decisions are made without public knowledge. Popular slogans are usually meaningless rubbish. That is why, Vladimir Putin’s recent article in the daily, Izvestia, cannot be regarded as anything else but a strong statement of his planned return to the Kremlin.  Putin is coming back in a big way. Putin’s […]

October 7, 2011 - Andrzej Brzeziecki


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