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Author: Andrew Wilson

Russia’s Badly Managed Democracy

Sunday’s Russian Duma elections were dull, but the consequences could be spectacular after a series of strategic mistakes by the authorities. First, the campaign itself lacked drama once Putin removed the main question after announcing his return as president in September. The surprise announcement also meant the elections were no longer about the fate of […]

December 7, 2011 - Andrew Wilson

The Not-So Secret Billionaire

Until October, next year’s parliamentary elections in Georgia looked to be a foregone conclusion. The ruling United National Movement was expected to win another healthy majority, by fair means or foul, which might then create a platform for President Mikheil Saakashvili to somehow maintain power after his two terms expire with the presidential elections due […]

November 28, 2011 - Andrew Wilson

Is Moldova’s Success Story Falling Flat?

Moldova was due to elect a president on 18 November, having gone without one for almost three years – first after two knife-edge parliamentary elections in 2009 and then since the last parliamentary elections in November 2010. The governing “Alliance for European Integration” (AEI) has 59 out of 101 seats in parliament, two short of […]

November 21, 2011 - Andrew Wilson

Should the EU-Ukraine Summit Go Ahead?

I have just spent three depressing days in Kyiv. Even the atmosphere on the streets is a little too neo-Soviet. New procedures for money changing mean you have to produce documents for laborious copying and then double sign official forms. Inevitably, the result is long queues: but only for ordinary folk, while the elite carries […]

November 14, 2011 - Andrew Wilson

Georgia approaches new elections

Georgia’s diplomatic activity is hotting up. After hosting Nicholas Sarkozy in October, President Mikheil Saakashvili is due to visit London on 11 November. The visit will be full of irony: Georgia’s libertarian revolutionaries are still popular amongst the UK’s Eurosceptic Conservatives, but the main purpose of Saakashvili’s visit is to bolster support for Georgia’s EU […]

November 7, 2011 - Andrew Wilson

Luka the Magician

This week’s blog is a blatant plug for my new book Belarus: The Last European Dictatorship, just published by Yale University Press. My apologies. The book is in two parts. The second half attempts to explain why Lukashenka was not, in the words of one Russian study, an “accidental president”. One reason why he has […]

October 31, 2011 - Andrew Wilson

Latvia – the Good Guys, the Bad Guys and the Russians

I am tempted to write about Ukraine again this week. The EU reaction to the Tymoshenko verdict is a worthy story in itself; but one that will undoubtedly run and run. So I will write about Latvia, where the end-game after the September elections was always likely to be reaching a climax about now. Three […]

October 24, 2011 - Andrew Wilson

Quo Vadis? Reaction to the Tymoshenko Verdict

On October 11 Yulia Tymoshenko, the former Prime Minister of Ukraine, was sentenced to seven years in prison, fined a staggering $190 million and banned from holding state office for three years – all for signing a gas agreement with Russia in 2009. This is an awful mess. As it is entirely of the Ukrainians’ […]

October 17, 2011 - Andrew Wilson

Batman Returns

My second blog has to be about Putin’s return as Russian President, while the issue is still fresh in people’s minds. Though to an extent it is already old news; so I will try to highlight some points that haven’t really been addressed in the commentary so far. First, Putin’s destination may be clear, but […]

October 10, 2011 - Andrew Wilson

Eastern Partnership Reloaded

The conclusion of the Eastern Partnership summit can be seen as a test of both of the EU and its new principles of consistency and conditionality. Despite no real policy issues resolved during the summit, its success can be measured by the amount of attention it brought to the region. The autumn of 2011 is […]

October 3, 2011 - Andrew Wilson


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