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Digital Archive (2017- )

All print and online subscribers have access to NEE’s digital archive, where downloadable issues are available at no additional cost. Click on the link below to download the PDF version of the issue.

For the years 2011-2016 Click here


Issue 5/2023: The Western Balkans. A bridge from Europe to Europe

Issue 3-4/2023: Beyond the Fence

Issue 2/2023: Inside the information war

Issue 1/2023: In the throes of crises


Issue 6/2022: Point of no return

Issue 5/2022: Loss and division

Issue 4/2022: Values under siege 

Issue 3/2022: The pain of war 

Issue 1-2/2022: Tug of War? 


Issue 6/2021: The Road to Pax Caucasia

Issue 5/2021: Belarusians. One year in protest

Issue 4/2021: Ukraine’s unfinished story

Issue 3/2021: Tales from the Baltics

Issue 1-2/2021: Whither Democracy


Issue 6/2020: Understanding Values in Uncertain Times

Issue 5/2020: Juggling a Pandemic. Managing (or not) COVID-19 and its consequences.

Issue 4/2020: The Kremlin’s Hybrid War. The case of Georgia      

Issue 3/2020: War in Donbas. Its costs, challenges and the commitment to peace

Issue 1-2/2020: Bound to Explode? Uncertainty, volatility and the relationship between Russia and the West


Issue 6/2019: New (Old) Faces. A true makeover or cosmetic change?

Issue 5/2019: The Black Sea Region. A geopolitical Trojan Horse?

3-4/2019: Eastern Partnership turns 10

2/2019: Postmodern Geopolitics. The consequences of the emerging multipolar world.

1/2019: Public intellectuals. What is their role, place and responsibility today?


6/2018: 1918. The year of independence

5/2018: What’s new with Belarus?

3-4/2018: Para-states. Life beyond geopolitics

2/2018: The many faces of Putin

1/2018: The Growing Generation Gap


1/2017: The Art of Revolution 

2/2017: Is the world turning upside down?

3-4/2017: The Balkan Carousel

5/2017: Homo Post-Sovieticus

6/2017: Central Asia. (Is this how you imagine) The forgotten region?


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