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Category: UkraineAtWar

China’s position in the Russo-Ukrainian War

China’s reaction to the ongoing war in Ukraine appears ambiguous to say the least. Often calling for both sides to talk, the country appears uncertain as to its long-term goals. However, there may be more to this outlook once China’s traditional strategy is understood.

March 29, 2022 - Valerii Pekar

Why did Vladimir Putin invade Ukraine?

The world has been gripped by ongoing developments in Ukraine. However, less attention has been paid to the Kremlin’s ideological justifications for the war. Whilst Putin’s claims may sound strange, they reflect ideals central to the Russian leader’s worldview.

March 28, 2022 - Taras Kuzio

“No time for reflection, emotions or crying”

An interview with Oleksandra Matviichuk, a Kyiv-based human rights defender and civil society leader in charge of the Center for Civil Liberties. Interviewer: Igor Mitchnik.

March 25, 2022 - Igor Mitchnik Oleksandra Matviichuk

The war in Ukraine and western appeasement

The conflict in Ukraine has encouraged western countries to reassess their overall relations with Russia. Despite this, some apologists continue to hold on to the paradoxical relationships that ultimately led to the conflict in the first place.

March 23, 2022 - Armen Grigoryan

Russia “raised the stakes” in Ukraine and Europe now faces a new test  

Escalating tensions between Vladimir Putin and the West have forced Europe to defend its core values and principles based on international law. In reality, this crisis of European security has been a ticking time bomb for many years. Are the EU and NATO able to deter Russia and maintain their political and military power?

March 22, 2022 - Silvie Leštinská

Falling short

With the invasion of Ukraine well underway, the Russian military has performed abysmally. It is apparent that the reforms undertaken by the Kremlin to modernise its armed forces have been a failure.

March 18, 2022 - Daniel Jarosak

A Ukrainian victory would usher in a new geopolitical transformation

Inaction will never stop the Russian onslaught, as it provides the invaders with confidence in their own actions. The silence of the observers only emboldens the perpetrators. Inaction is complicity in their crimes.

March 16, 2022 - Mykola Voytiv

The Kremlin wants to dismember Ukraine

An interview with Vladimir Socor, Senior Fellow with the Jamestown Foundation. Interviewer: Adam Reichardt.

March 15, 2022 - Adam Reichardt Vladimir Socor

At the centre of a global conflict: a view from Kyiv

Ukraine is under attack and there is little sign of a resolution. Nevertheless, Ukrainians continue to fight. For the first time in many years, we are now faced with the reality of a potential world war. It is high time to start thinking about how to prevent such a fate.

March 8, 2022 - Yegor Vasylyev

How to stop World War Three

The besieged Ukrainian government continues to request that the West set up a no-fly zone over the country. Whilst many leaders fear that this action may lead to a wider conflict, inaction will ultimately allow Putin to use nuclear blackmail against both Ukraine and the West.

March 8, 2022 - Mychailo Wynnyckyj Valerii Pekar

Democracy and Putin’s obsession with a “nazi anti-Russia” Ukraine

The democratic and free world cannot stand idly by when one of their own is facing a war of destruction waged by a neo-imperialist authoritarian force under false pretences.

March 7, 2022 - Tomasz Kamusella

Ukraine proved it can halt Putin. Now it needs Europe

Putin will not stop in Ukraine. The reason for this is quite simple. He is waging a war to restore the Russian empire.

March 5, 2022 - Volodymyr Valkov


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