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Category: News Briefs

Statement on behalf of the Publisher and Editors

The publisher and the editorial team of the English-language bimonthly magazine New Eastern Europe confirm that the magazine has not been cooperating with Jakub Korejba for more than one year. In the past, Mr Korejba published a few articles on our website and one in the paper edition of the magazine (Jan-Mar 2013).   The […]

July 27, 2014 - New Eastern Europe

New Eastern Europe is now a Bimonthly

New Eastern Europe will now be published bimonthly This means that we will be able to provide even more insight and analysis from the region to our readers around the world. Instead of four issues a year, we will now publish five (with the summer issue being a double issue). The decision by our publishers to increase […]

May 21, 2014 - New Eastern Europe

Poland – Ukraine – Europe

You are invited to the Warsaw Royal Castle for the fifth lecture in the series titled: "Poland – Ukraine – Europe: Heritage and Future". The lecture is titled: “Why and How to See Ukraine.” The lecture will be given by Yaroslav Hrytsak from Lviv University and member of New Eastern Europe’s editorial board. The lecture […]

December 10, 2013 - Example Author

Sharing the Polish-Dutch-Belarusian experience of Solidarity

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in cooperation with the College of Eastern Europe and the New Eastern Europe Magazine on the occasion of Human Rights Day (10 December) and the 32nd commemoration of martial law in Poland (13 December) has the pleasure to invite You to a seminar: Across frontiers: Sharing the […]

December 9, 2013 - Example Author

Poland-Ukraine: In Search of Secret Service Documents

You are invited to the Warsaw Royal Castle for the fourth lecture in the series titled: "Poland – Ukraine – Europe: Heritage and Future". The lecture is titled: “In Search of Secret Service Documents – 20 years of experience of the Polish-Ukrainian Working Group.” The lecture will be given by Prof. Jurij Szapował from the […]

November 26, 2013 - Example Author

Poland-Ukraine: In Search of Secret Service Documents

You are invited to the Warsaw Royal Castle for the fourth lecture in the series titled: "Poland – Ukraine – Europe: Heritage and Future". The lecture is titled: “In Search of Secret Service Documents – 20 years of experience of the Polish-Ukrainian Working Group.” The lecture will be given by Prof. Jurij Szapował from the […]

November 26, 2013 - Example Author

East Central Europe. In Anticipation of the Empire’s Return?

In 1989, as a result of the economic transformation in states that belonged to the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union, the political order in East-Central Europe collapsed. In Poland, the 1980s are still recognized as years of the Solidarity movement, as a symbol of change and new order.  In 1991, four countries from former […]

November 20, 2013 - Example Author

East Central Europe. In Anticipation of the Empire’s Return?

In 1989, as a result of the economic transformation in states that belonged to the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union, the political order in East-Central Europe collapsed. In Poland, the 1980s are still recognized as years of the Solidarity movement, as a symbol of change and new order.  In 1991, four countries from former […]

November 20, 2013 - Example Author

East Central Europe. In Anticipation of the Empire’s Return?

In 1989, as a result of the economic transformation in states that belonged to the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union, the political order in East-Central Europe collapsed. In Poland, the 1980s are still recognized as years of the Solidarity movement, as a symbol of change and new order.  In 1991, four countries from former […]

November 20, 2013 - Example Author

A Debate on the Practice of Remembrance

The European Network of Remembrance and Solidarity and Collegium Civitas invite you to A DEBATE ON THE PRACTICE OF REMEMBRANCE 21 November 2013, at 11.30 Aula Collegium Civitas, the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, (12th floor) The following speakers will be discussing the institutes of national remembrance, the problem of access to archives, […]

November 18, 2013 - Example Author

A Debate on the Practice of Remembrance

The European Network of Remembrance and Solidarity and Collegium Civitas invite you to A DEBATE ON THE PRACTICE OF REMEMBRANCE 21 November 2013, at 11.30 Aula Collegium Civitas, the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, (12th floor) The following speakers will be discussing the institutes of national remembrance, the problem of access to archives, […]

November 18, 2013 - Example Author

A Debate on the Practice of Remembrance

The European Network of Remembrance and Solidarity and Collegium Civitas invite you to A DEBATE ON THE PRACTICE OF REMEMBRANCE 21 November 2013, at 11.30 Aula Collegium Civitas, the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, (12th floor) The following speakers will be discussing the institutes of national remembrance, the problem of access to archives, […]

November 18, 2013 - Example Author


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