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Category: New Eastern Europe newsletter

The CVM report on Romania: How effective is the mechanism today?

Romania’s progress in restoring the independence of the justice system and rule of law has received an unexpected endorsement from the European Commission in the Co-operation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) report. Ioana Burtea from Europe & Me investigates. To read the full article visit: https://neweasterneurope.eu/node/642

February 3, 2013 - Example Author

The Heart of the Cold War

George Frost Kennan, America’s most influential sovietologist and author of one of the fundamentals of US Cold War strategy, has a considerable claim to fame. According to no less an authority than Henry Kissinger, “No other foreign service officer ever shaped American foreign policy so decisively or did so much to define the broader public […]

January 31, 2013 - Example Author

Svoboda’s Mainstream Challenge

In October 2012 Svoboda took the Ukrainian political scene by storm, entering parliament for the first time with 37 seats out of 450. Dismissed by many as being too radical to bring on real change, the party is now taking up popular mainstream causes, trying to move beyond its base in Central and Western Ukraine, […]

January 29, 2013 - Example Author

A New Role for Eastern Europe?

"It would be impossible to separate the two aspects – international and domestic – when summing up 2012 for Russia. We have both a new parliament and an “old-new” president. Of course they had to redefine both the domestic and foreign policy – with a great degree of continuity in both respects, and here is […]

January 27, 2013 - Example Author

New Immigration Flows, Old Stereotypes

The final transitional immigration controls on Romania and Bulgaria are set to expire in January 2014, seven years after these new Eastern Europeans became citizens of the European Union. In the United Kingdom,  parallels are already being drawn with the 2004 “wave” of immigration, when Poland and the other A8 countries gained the rights to […]

January 24, 2013 - Example Author

Why I Use E-diplomacy: A practitioner’s perspective

My job involves a high amount of communication with both internal and external actors from all spheres, thus consistent and thorough communication is an essential tool for good planning and successful organisation of activities. In the digital era, the input and coverage that can be reached via social media should by no means be neglected. […]

January 22, 2013 - Example Author

What Would Asterix Do?

January 2013 will certainly be remembered in France for the immense turmoil orchestrated by the departure of the French actor, Gérard Depardieu, to Russia. The “child prodigy” of French cinema has “betrayed” his homeland and all the French people familiar with his infinite talent. Lana Ravel from New Eastern Europe discusses. To read the full […]

January 20, 2013 - Example Author

The Consequences of Being “Anti-Polish”

Few Polish films have in recent years stirred as much controversy as Władysław Pasikowski’s Pokłosie (Consequences). Despite being criticised as being “anti-Polish” by some, this new film, inspired by the Jedwabne pogrom of 1941, can lead to more honest discussion of Polish-Jewish relations. Filip Mazurczak reviews Władysław Pasikowski’s Pokłosie To read the full review visit: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/622

January 17, 2013 - Example Author

Ukraine 2013: The same old games?

Following tense parliamentary elections, the change of government and a pre-recession economic landscape, will Ukraine’s 2013 be mired in the same old post-Soviet games in politics and governance? Yegor Vasylyev, an analyst specialising in politics and transition of post-Soviet states, discusses. For the full article visit: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/618

January 15, 2013 - Example Author

Undermining Stereotypes and Putting Flesh on the Bones of Insider Trading

"When I came to Ukraine and saw the beautiful city of Kyiv and the educated youth, I knew that they could be citizens of any other developed country. But I also visited the countryside and I was truly shocked by the reality I saw." A conversation with Marina Lewycka, bestselling author of A Short History of Tractors […]

January 10, 2013 - Example Author

When in Baku…

Renovation of Baku, the Azeri capital, is in full swing and is intent on turning the city into a modern metropolis. But with mass expropriations, forced evictions and the demolition of historical buildings, human rights organisations have started to sound the alarm. Anna Żamejć, a freelance journalist with the Azerbaijani Service of Radio Free Europe […]

January 8, 2013 - Example Author

When the New Boss Came to Town

Just a few days before the parliamentary elections on December 9th 2012, the Romanian government quietly passed a controversial emergency ordinance reorganising the National Audiovisual Council (CNA). Far from going unnoticed, as Prime Minister Victor Ponta and his social-liberal coalition (USL) would have hoped, the imposed changes have sparked yet another fiery debate between media […]

January 6, 2013 - Example Author


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