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Category: New Eastern Europe newsletter

Still Deeply Stuck in the East

There are places which do not fully fit the region in which they are placed. The same can be said about Poland. We like to call our country a Central European country and this is the way in which we like to describe our place in the world. However, when you look at our cultural […]

March 26, 2013 - Example Author

Still Deeply Stuck in the East

There are places which do not fully fit the region in which they are placed. The same can be said about Poland. We like to call our country a Central European country and this is the way in which we like to describe our place in the world. However, when you look at our cultural […]

March 26, 2013 - Example Author

On the Edge of Gaza

Oli and Alex, born in Ukraine, protect the Holy Land from the homemade Qassam rockets and operate a Guardium, an unmanned, all-terrain surveillance vehicle. Roman Kabachiy writes about his recent visit to Kissufim military base in Israel not far from the Gaza Strip. To read the full article visit: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/710

March 24, 2013 - Example Author

On the Edge of Gaza

Oli and Alex, born in Ukraine, protect the Holy Land from the homemade Qassam rockets and operate a Guardium, an unmanned, all-terrain surveillance vehicle. Roman Kabachiy writes about his recent visit to Kissufim military base in Israel not far from the Gaza Strip. To read the full article visit: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/710

March 24, 2013 - Example Author

On Communist Crimes, Human Rights and Overcoming the Past

Two decades after the Eastern European revolutions, public education on recent history and the crimes of Communism is gathering momentum in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries. This tendency is unlikely to fade within the next few generations. This is a highly charged issue for the people of the region regardless of whether […]

March 21, 2013 - Example Author

On Privacy, Networking and their Meaning for Public Diplomacy

Wave 6, the latest edition of social media research by Universal McCann media agency, highlights an interesting difference in various nations’ attitudes towards privacy in social networking sites. International relations analyst  and moderator of DigEE Igor Lyubashenko investigates. To read the full article visit: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/704

March 19, 2013 - Example Author

Gaiety is the Most Outstanding Feature of the Soviet Union

Orthodox churches are scrawled into their body, as are swastikas, yet the monochrome portraits or Russian prisoners look serene. “Gaiety is the most outstanding feature of the soviet union,” Stalin once said; and as the collection's title it is laced with as much irony. Mathew Shearman reviews "Gaiety is the Most Outstanding Feature of the […]

March 17, 2013 - Example Author

Vlad Filat: A vote of no confidence in Moldova

On February 13th 2013, Moldovan prime minister Vlad Filat announced that his Liberal-Democratic Party of Moldova (LDPM) was withdrawing from the 2010 coalition agreement from which the pro-Western Alliance for European Integration (AIE) was established. This decision was a surprise for many analysts and journalists writing on Moldovan issues, as well as for Chișinău’s partners. […]

March 14, 2013 - Example Author

The New King of Prague Castle

Václav Klaus has been replaced by another political heavyweight at the helm of the Czech Republic: Miloš Zeman. Contrary to his predecessor, the new Czech President is regarded as pro-European, although much is yet to be clarified, including his position on Russia. Pavol Szalai, an analyst of European affairs, investigates. To read the full article […]

March 12, 2013 - Example Author

The Broth and its Many Cooks: Ukraine in-between elections

The country on the border of West and East, mired in the habits of the previous epoch, approaching a new historic waterline, and all of its tensions and challenges are becoming  more acute. Yegor Vasylyev, an analyst specialising in politics and transition of post-Soviet states, discusses Ukraine in-between elections. To read the full article visit: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/693

March 10, 2013 - Example Author

Could Social Networking Enhance the Position of Ukraine in the International Arena?

Today, e-diplomacy is growing on a huge scale and the importance for diplomats to employ the tools of e-diplomacy is enormous. Despite this fact, Ukrainian diplomacy has just made its first steps in e-diplomacy and now has to be more assertive in benefiting from the opportunities it offers. Leonid Litra and Iuliia Kononenko from the […]

March 7, 2013 - Example Author

Ukraine’s Gas Dilemma: Two steps forward, two steps back

Ukraine is finally taking serious strides towards energy independence, its biggest geopolitical headache. New deals should boost production from unconvential energy resources, alternative sources are being explored and local consumption is being reduced. Jakub Parusinski discusses Ukraine's gas dilemma for New Eastern Europe's Unravelling Ukraine column. To read the full article visit: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/683

March 6, 2013 - Example Author


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