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Category: New Eastern Europe newsletter

Revealing the Emptiness

"The political regime in Russia seems to have fallen into a deep aesthetic crisis, which also has important political consequences. This has manifested itself, for example, in Vladimir Putin’s journey with migrating cranes, undertaken in September 2012, in order to draw a parallel between him as a strong leader able to show the way forward […]

May 16, 2013 - Example Author

4th Annual Emerging Investment Products Forum – May 23

Just one more week until the 4th Annual Emerging Investment Products Forum;  May 23 2013 in Warsaw, Poland at the InterContinental Hotel. With the continuing Eurozone crisis and threats of further sovereign debt insecurities, it is no easy matter to know which investment products will offer a profit. However, in a game dominated by risk profiling […]

May 15, 2013 - Example Author

Doing Less for Less

Ukraine is no economic powerhouse. And yet each year the country takes almost a month off in official holidays – 10 days in early January, another 10 or so in May, and a healthy sprinkling of additional days off throughout the year. Rather than focus on innovation, developing the service sector, and pursuing other lines […]

May 15, 2013 - Example Author

Chișinău-Tiraspol: One piano, four hands

In the last few weeks there has been an increase of tension in relations between Moldova and the breakaway territory of Transnistria. Do the events which took place in the small village of Varniţa on April 26th and 27th 2013 involving the local population, the police and the Transnistrian Spetsnaz forces, pose some important questions […]

May 12, 2013 - Example Author

We have Experts with Morals and Principles

"[…] we don't just have the experts, but experts with morals and principles!" Nikolay Tsonev a prominent Bulgarian politician and founder of the New Alternative political movement talks to Bulgarian journalist Dimitar Benevreshky. To read the full interview visit: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/797

May 9, 2013 - Example Author

Be Careful What You Say

World Press Freedom Day, celebrated across the globe on the May 3rd, has even greater importance for Romania this year. After several years of legal uncertainty and the recent implementation of a new Criminal Code, insult and slander could be considered offences again, raising concerns for the freedom of expression. Ioana Burtea from Europe & […]

May 5, 2013 - Example Author

“Europe” Then and Now

Some timely but challenging questions were posed and each panel presentation was followed by lively discussion and debate, and a number of central themes emerged over the course of the day. Kelly Hignett reviews “Europe” Then and Now, the second annual Central Europe Symposium hosted by UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES). […]

May 2, 2013 - Example Author

Without James Bond: Women, money and power

A 2012 historical study covering 85 per cent of the world’s population has proved that women’s organisations were crucial for policy change towards more equal societies. Yet, the recent economic crisis has led to the financial uncertainty of NGOs and women’s organisations, and Central Europe is no exception to the rule. Aurore Guieu a researcher […]

May 1, 2013 - Example Author

Dishonest Promises and Illegitimate Regimes

"I really don’t think I had a political agenda as such when writing this book. Do I want to drive a nail into the coffin of the idea that there was something good about Communism and that it was just a much misunderstood system? Yes. But I don’t see why that’s right-wing any more." Hayden […]

April 28, 2013 - Example Author

Into the Clouds

It is not a secret that information is one of the principle resources of almost every business today; and business success depends strongly on the efficiency of the “information bloodstream” in a company. Information technology have become “steroids” for businesses throughout the world, multiplying their efficiency. However, in countries with poor investment climates it has […]

April 25, 2013 - Example Author

Towards Improved French-German Cooperation in the EU Neighbourhood

The European Union foreign policy and neighbourhood policies are fields in which France and Germany fail to substantiate their relations. This lack of French-German cooperation on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) has been especially damaging for the EU in the cases of Libya, Syria, Ukraine and beyond. Florent Parmentier from Sciences Po, Paris, and David […]

April 23, 2013 - Example Author

Serbia on the Road to EU Accession?

After ten rounds of negotiations and near failure, Serbia and Kosovo have agreed a pact that opens up the path for Serbia's languishing EU accession. The constellation of events that led to the announcement of the pact on April 19th has brought this historic agreement about. Yet, while the ground has been laid for Serbia, […]

April 21, 2013 - Example Author


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