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Category: Issue 6 2024

The forgotten beginnings of US-China diplomatic relations

In the shadow of Cold War tensions, covert diplomatic talks took place in Warsaw from 1958 to 1970 between the United States and the People's Republic of China. These talks, today largely forgotten, laid the foundation for a rapprochement that would change the course of global politics in the 1970s.

The 1950s were an immensely complex decade for global geopolitics. Numerous African and Asian nations started to regain their independence, redefining the old colonial world order and thus weakening past colonial superpowers, such as the United Kingdom or France. Above all, however, the new world order was emerging, dominated by the duopoly of the United States and Soviet Union and a visible division of spheres of influence between them.

November 21, 2024 - Konrad Szatters

The low-hanging fruit of European integration: Moldova’s election and the power play of energy dependency

Nowhere is the choice between Europe and Moscow more evident than in Moldova’s energy sector. By promising cheap gas, Moscow offers pro-Russian actors a powerful campaign tool. This quick fix appeals to both the population and oligarchs. To break free from the Kremlin's grip and pursue a pro-European future, the stakes in these elections will have major repercussions on the energy sector.

October 18, 2024 - Jakub A. Bartoszewski Michael M. Richter


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