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Is Russia’s Trade War Ukraine’s Golden Ticket to the EU?

If Russia places an embargo on your country’s most popular edible exports, chances are the Kremlin is none too pleased with you. Moscow’s most recent political collateral is Ukrainian chocolate, banned from the Russian market July 29th. This week, Russia stopped importing Ukrainian goods almost entirely. After claiming to find traces of the carcinogen benzopyrene […]

August 21, 2013 - Nina Jankowicz

Ukraine’s Media Landscape: The dark ages

She sat there each morning, at the entrance to the metro. An elderly lady, shouting out the headlines of the day, selling the nation's main daily Segodnya (Today). Not a particularly informative read – murders, scams and scandals, Ukraine's equivalent of the Daily Mail. Still, it provided some insight into how recent developments were being […]

August 13, 2013 - Jakub Parusinski

Viktor Orbán, the Reforms and the Students

This interview is the second part of a conversation with Katalin Vida and Csaba Jelinek from Hallgatói Hálózat, a student group involved in the Hungarian opposition. GIACOMO MANCA: What role does the Student Network, which arose about a year ago in Hungary and which has been at the core of the protests against Viktor Orbán's […]

August 1, 2013 - Giacomo Manca

Presidentialism, Russian-style

Sergey Alekseyev, one of the founding fathers of the Second Russian Republic, passed away in May almost unnoticed by the public. The constitutional draft co-written with Sergey Shakhrai served as the basis during constitution-making in 1993, but was turned upside-down during the constitutional process and in the following years under Yeltsin, Putin and Medvedev. Fabian […]

July 10, 2013 - Fabian Burkhardt

Here Comes Croatian Trouble (Or Maybe Not?)

Walking around Trg Bana Jelačića, the main market place in Zagreb, one’s eyes are immediately caught by the presence of countless European Union flags: yellow stars on blue backgrounds float in the air alongside tricolour red and white draughtboard flags. Around the whole city hang billboards, posters, and fliers; reminders that Croatia has finally taken […]

June 30, 2013 - Lana Ravel

Folkowisko – On the Edge of the World

Folkowisko is a Borderline Culture Festival dedicated to the forgotten culture of local Polish, Ukrainian and Jewish people. Although it is a folk festival, there are also less rural activities among its attractions. The festival takes place annually, on the second weekend of July in the small Polish village of Gorajec situated in the Roztocze […]

June 26, 2013 - Example Author

Zeman’s Power-Play

To the casual observer, last week’s corruption scandal which gripped the Czech Republic, forced Petr Nečas (a.k.a. “Mr. Clean” to his anti-corruption platform) from the premiership and plunged the country into an acute political crisis was nothing more than a slight departure from the norm. After all, corruption is rife and a wide assortment of […]

June 24, 2013 - Mitchell Belfer

To Siberia and Beyond

Syberiada Polska begins as it ends, in the idyllic rural town of Podola in “Czerwony Jar” in Eastern Poland. Staszek Dolin, the teenage protagonist, is shown running and jumping off a rickety old pier into a lake. His Jewish childhood sweetheart hesitates for a moment before jumping in after him. They immerse themselves in the […]

June 21, 2013 - Maia Lazar

The Tyranny of the Majority

Giacomo Manca, an intern at New Eastern Europe, talks to Katalin Vida and Csaba Jelinek from Hallgatói Hálózat, a student group involved in the Hungarian opposition, which started during the protests against higher education reforms. We are extremely pleased to announce that this interview launches our new column: New Eastern Europe's New Voices, or New Voices, for […]

June 11, 2013 - Giacomo Manca

Expectations and Reality Collide in Tiraspol

In January 2013, Yevgeny Shevchuk, the president of Transnistria, completed his first year as head of this unrecognised state. But has the young politician managed to fulfil any of the domestic or international expectations during his first year in office? Since coming to power in early 2012, both the people of Transnistria and the international […]

June 9, 2013 - Kamil Całus

Back in the USSR – Heroic Adventures in Transnistria

After the success of their book Missing Lives, which tells the tragic and heartbreaking stories of 15 missing people in the former Yugoslavia, award-winning photojournalist Nick Danziger and best-selling author Rory MacLean return with a new book: Back in the USSR – Heroic Adventures in Transnistria. With the idea that the book will be published […]

June 4, 2013 - Hayden Berry

Averting a Demographic Nightmare in Russia and Eastern Europe

Over the past 20 years, newspaper readers across the world had grown accustomed to alarming headlines with some variant of “The Russians are Dying Out”. In the first ten years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a catastrophic fall in Russia’s birth rate was accompanied by a disturbingly low life expectancy. While Russia continues […]

June 2, 2013 - Filip Mazurczak


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