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Moldova in Search of New Possibilities

Interview with Eugen Carpov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, in charge of Reintegration. Interviewers: Damien Dubuc and Sébastien Gobert DAMIEN DUBUC AND SÉBASTIEN GOBERT: A number of Moldovan citizens have decided to leave regions administered by the Moldovan government to move to the Transnistrian-controlled territory. Apartments, gas and food are much cheaper there. […]

November 19, 2013 - Damien Dubec

Moldova in Search of New Possibilities

Interview with Eugen Carpov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, in charge of Reintegration. Interviewers: Damien Dubuc and Sébastien Gobert DAMIEN DUBUC AND SÉBASTIEN GOBERT: A number of Moldovan citizens have decided to leave regions administered by the Moldovan government to move to the Transnistrian-controlled territory. Apartments, gas and food are much cheaper there. […]

November 19, 2013 - Damien Dubec

Uzbekistan: Notes from the Silk Road

Uzbekistan was the final country on my journey through the “stans”. The Pamir and Fan mountains, so stunning yet so problematic for travel, were replaced as we drove West in a taxi out of the Tajik capital Dushanbe by a flat and featureless plain, dusty, dry and pretty devoid of life, although it was liberally […]

November 7, 2013 - Stuart Wadsworth

Europe With a View to the Future

The European Solidarity Centre cordially invites you to the conference "Europe With a View to the Future", which will be held in Gdansk on November 7th-8th, 2013. Will the Eastern Partnership bring Eastern neighbours together with the European Union, or is it just an European excuse? How much idealism and how much realism can we […]

November 1, 2013 - Example Author

Tajikistan: Flagging up a nation on the edge

Having recuperated from a combined bout of altitude sickness and food poisoning for a few days in the relative civilisation of Khorog and its stunning environs, and having had the luxury of a hot shower and a couple of decent meals, it was time to leave the Pamir Mountains. If getting into the Pamir had […]

October 24, 2013 - Stuart Wadsworth

Tajikistan: The troubled roof of the world

Ask where Tajikistan is to the average member of the public and they will give you a blank look or bewildered shrug of the shoulders; even to Russians, for whom it was once a member of their empire, it is very little-known. Tajikistan was the poorest republic of the old Soviet Union, and today it […]

October 17, 2013 - Stuart Wadsworth

Ambivalent Russia

“Our unit had an order to attack the Azerbaijanis’ positions; however, another order came from the top to change the target and attack the Armenians’ positions. These kind of contradictive orders were ordinary in this war,” says a Georgian former soldier who served in the Soviet/Russian army located on Armenian territory during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict […]

October 1, 2013 - Nika Sikharulidze

Shadows of Joseph Stalin

This article appeared in the summer 2013 issue of New Eastern Europe Issue 3(VIII)/2013: Why Culture Matters Georgian sympathies towards Stalin have strong nationalistic roots, but they are not in line with the image Georgia strives to create internationally. De-Sovietisation is part of Georgia’s efforts to join the European Union, but is Georgian society typically European? […]

September 29, 2013 - Ana Dabrundashvili

NEE issue


September 27, 2013 - Example Author

Armenia in the Custom Union

The European Union’s Eastern Partnership was dealt a major blow when Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan made a surprise announcement that his republic will join Russia’s Customs Union during a visit to Moscow in early September. EU leaders expressed shock and dismay at the surprise about-face, while members of the Armenian opposition protested the decision outside […]

September 10, 2013 - Luke Rodeheffer

Poland and Romania: Extending the partnership in the EuroEast

Romanian-Polish relations have been on a moderately ascending path in the last three years. In 2013 the countries celebrate 20 years since the signing of the Treaty on Friendship and Cooperation, and the Strategic Partnership signed by the two countries in 2009 has been developing in the direction of an increasing understanding of both sides’ […]

September 8, 2013 - Octavian Milewski

Who are the Moldovan Eurasians?

Less than two years ago, Vladimir Putin issued his message on the Eurasian Union. Even if the Republic of Moldova is not the key addressee of this flow of political and economic initiatives, Ukraine being at the epicentre of Russian interests, Moldova cannot be missing from the strategic landscape for the simple reason that it […]

August 27, 2013 - Octavian Milewski


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