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The story of Belarus. The nation, its history and a new hope

This special podcast documentary aims to help listeners better understand a society which has shown great acts of courage in its fight for political rights, freedom and independence.

This limited 10-part podcast series is prepared and produced by Talk Eastern Europe. In this series, we explore various aspects of Belarus. We take a deeper look at the history, identity, economy, society and recent political developments taking place there.

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Listen to “The Story of Belarus” on Spreaker.

The series is written and produced by Adam Reichardt and Maciek Makulski, the co-hosts of Talk Eastern Europe. Additional research is done by Anastasia Starchenko. The podcast is published by the Jan Nowak-Jezioranski College of Eastern Europe in Wroclaw.

This podcast is financed by Solidarity Fund PL within the framework of the Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland and the grant titled: “In Solidarity with Belarus”. The podcast expresses exclusively the views of the speakers and cannot be identified with the official stance of the Solidarity Fund PL nor the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.


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