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The uncertain conclusion to Russia’s war in Ukraine

As Ukraine continues its resistance against Russian aggression, discussions about the potential end of the war have sparked numerous debates throughout the international community. While many are eager for a swift resolution to the conflict, Ukraine has every right to be concerned about how the war will end.

The dialogue between Ukraine and some western partners was complicated in the early stages of the full-scale war. As President Volodymyr Zelenskyy repeatedly emphasized, Ukraine is unwilling to give up any of its territories to achieve peace. He often referred to the moral aspect of the issue, even if some believed that it was not realistic. He stressed that Ukrainians living in the occupied territories are suffering under Russian occupation and enduring torture and human rights abuses.
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November 22, 2024 - Sofia Oliinyk - Hot TopicsIssue 6 2024Magazine

Zelenskyy’s commitment to defending Ukraine’s territorial integrity reflects moral responsibility and a strategic necessity to ensure the country’s security and even stability eventually. Any peace proposal that overlooks the fundamental issues of occupation, human rights violations and sovereignty risks perpetuating instability and injustice. Photo: paparazzza / Shutterstock

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