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What’s wrong with Telegram?

Telegram is a growing digital platform that is being used in the region and around the world. Yet, out of all major social media companies, it remains the least transparent in its content moderation and curation practices. The platform makes vocal commitments to protecting user privacy but practice shows otherwise.

Russia and Ukraine share few things in common when it comes to their respective social media environments. Following the start of the full-scale invasion, Russia banned the use of Meta’s platforms – Instagram and Facebook – in addition to the wholesale blocking of various domestic and foreign media outlets. Ukraine, for its part, blocked the Russian social network Vkontakte long before the invasion.
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September 17, 2024 - Maksym Popovych - AnalysisIssue 5 2024Magazine

Telegram CEO and Founder Pavel Durov in the background. Durov was arrested at the airport in Paris in August 2024 on charges related to Telegram’s lack of moderation. Ukrainian officials go even further, claiming that Durov cooperates directly with the Russian government. Photo: Poetra.RH / Shutterstock

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