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Foreign agent laws in the authoritarian playbook

From Russia to Kyrgyzstan, and Georgia to Hungary, “foreign agent” style laws have become a preferred instrument for authoritarians to extinguish critical voices, shield their rule from scrutiny and strengthen their hold on power.

By stigmatizing independent civil society, media and other dissenting voices as “trojan horses”, “foreign agent” laws have offered a convenient framing to delegitimize and isolate them. In addition, they have also helped to impose harsh monitoring and reporting requirements and shut critics out of public life. As the promotion of democratic practices and human rights threatens authoritarians’ grip on power, foreign agent laws offer a handy tool to discredit these activities by equating them with promoting the interests of a foreign power.
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September 17, 2024 - Iskra Kirova - Hot TopicsIssue 5 2024Magazine

On May 14th the Georgian parliament passed a “foreign agent” style law. Ahead of crucial parliamentary elections this October, the authorities are out to discredit and dismantle Georgia’s vibrant civil society and independent media. Photo: k_samurkas / Shutterstock

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