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Economic frontlines: bracing for a possible Trump return

November could see former US President Donald Trump return to the White House. His rather unpredictable approach to foreign policy could subsequently leave an even greater impact on the world than it did in his first term. This is due to various new conflicts like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with both Kyiv and Moscow preparing for Trump’s potential victory.

Over the last month, Democratic nominee Kamala Harris has upended the presidential race in the United States by opening a small lead over Donald Trump in national polls. However, historical experience suggests early leads are often overturned and the upcoming presidential debates may prove decisive. With Trump still very much in the race, policymakers in Russia and Ukraine are bracing for what could be a seismic shift in US foreign policy.
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September 17, 2024 - Cassia Scott-Jones - AnalysisIssue 5 2024Magazine

Donald Trump once again is seeking to be in the White House in the Washington, DC. Many fear a revamped Trump presidency would take a more conciliatory approach towards Russia in its war against Ukraine. Photo: Phil Mistry / Shutterstock

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