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Between pro-Russian rhetoric and pragmatic cooperation with Ukraine

Between 30 and 40 per cent of Slovaks have positive feelings towards Russia, which makes Slovak society one of the most pro-Russian in Europe. And yet, pro-Russian Slovaks do not want to leave either NATO or the EU. This simultaneous support for Russia and western alliances is a phenomenon that demands a deeper look.

At this year’s NATO summit in Washington DC, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico sent, not for the first time, a radically pro-Russian message to his voters. In a video posted on Facebook he said that Ukraine’s NATO membership was unacceptable and “a guarantee of a third world war”.
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September 17, 2024 - Jakub Łoginow - AnalysisIssue 5 2024Magazine

Historically speaking, Slovaks do not have a long tradition of statehood. Actually, they had no tradition of statehood until the 20th century. This was mainly because for almost one thousand years the territory of what now constitutes Slovakia belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary. Photo: Marek M / Shutterstock

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