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A legend of the Soviet underground rock scene continues to play

Boris Grebenshchikov’s charisma and role in Soviet underground music were recognized worldwide. He was known for his distance from the Soviet reality. When asked today, Grebenshchikov, known as BG, claims that the popularity of his band, the famous Aquarium, came from the fact that it operated outside the established norms and challenged imposed standards.

“Russia is a terrorist state” is a popular slogan which we often see on social media and hear in public discourse. Understandably, since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, almost everything related to Russia has become political and generates negative emotions. Many commentaries and analyses point to the differences between the political culture in the West and the dictatorial models which have developed in the East. Putin’s Russia, now deemed neo-totalitarian, is a key example of this second model.
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September 16, 2024 - Elżbieta Żak - Issue 5 2024MagazineStories and ideas

Boris Grebenshchikov and his group Aquarium perform in Moscow back in 2013. Grebenshchikov left Russia in 2019 and has been living in London since. Photo: Anton Gvozdikov / Shutterstock

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