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Why Turkey’s ambitions are focused on the South Caucasus

It is clear that Turkey is very keen to be increasingly involved in the South Caucasus region. Its interests in this region are inextricably linked to cooperation with Azerbaijan and numerous transport projects, particularly those that allow for the transportation of energy resources. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the importance of supplying energy from the Caspian Sea to Europe has only become more crucial.

Much has been written about the Turkish involvement in the South Caucasus in 2020, when the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh re-ignited after a period of calming. As expected, Turkey supported Azerbaijan, its close ally. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called on the Armenian government to withdraw from Nagorno-Karabakh and gave assurances that Ankara would support Baku militarily if necessary. There were even rumours that a Turkish F-16 fighter jet shot down an Armenian plane, which was denied by Ankara.
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June 22, 2024 - Adam Reichardt - AnalysisIssue 4 2024Magazine

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan makes a statement in Ankara. Erdoğan has seen the region of the South Caucasus as an opportunity to strengthen his own influence at home and abroad. Photo: Ibrahimbeyy / Shutterstock

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