Ukrainian media at war. Battles behind, battles ahead
The media landscape in Ukraine has been heavily impacted by the ongoing Russian invasion. While the centralization of media to build a common message and fight disinformation made sense at the beginning of the war, critics now argue that the president’s office is abusing its control of the media while discrediting independent journalists.
Over two years into the all-out war with Russia, Ukraine is bound to face further stress tests. Nowhere do these come into view so strikingly as in the Ukrainian media, where the authorities’ desire to maintain control; civil society’s calls for scrutiny; the opposition's political ambitions; and Moscow’s attempts to gain influence all clash.
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June 22, 2024 -
Aleksander Palikot
Hot TopicsIssue 4 2024Magazine
The war has put Ukrainian journalists at risk. As of April 2024, ten Ukrainian journalists and media workers have died during their assignments, while 76 have died serving in the army or as a result of hostilities.
Photo: Rospoint / Shutterstock
journalism, media, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Ukraine