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The Polish pioneers and the unexpected hardships of migrating to Canada

First there were the peasants who went from being subjects of the partitions to pioneers in the Wild West. Then there was the wave of educated people fleeing the communist regime. Among the Poles migrating to Canada were also veterans of the Second World War, in whom Canadian soldiers found a replacement for German prisoners of war.

The journey across the Atlantic was long and difficult. The ship sailed to Canada for a month. Walter F. Chuchla recalls that the ship rocked in all directions and seemed about to break in half. The sea was so rough that the travellers were not allowed to leave their cabins for four days. Disease outbreaks and crowding were also a problem. Many people were dying. Minors were allowed to travel in pairs, on a single ticket, as long as they used one bunk and shared a meal.
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June 22, 2024 - Adam Reichardt - Issue 4 2024MagazineStories and ideas

1898 Canadian advertisement to attract immigrants to the wheat belt. Photo: (CC) commons.wikimedia.org


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