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Navigating new security threats requires a change in focus

Czechia, together with its neighbours Poland and Slovakia, joined the European Union 20 years ago, a time when the security landscape in Europe looked completely different. Today the threats now faced by the Czechs and their neighbours require a completely new approach and mindset. Only then can the values enshrined in the EU treaty be truly protected.

The European Security Strategy was adopted in December 2003 and has become a landmark in the development of the EU’s foreign and security policy. For the first time, the member states agreed on a joint threat assessment and set clear objectives for advancing their security interests, which are all based on shared values. Twenty years since the adoption of the security strategy, the EU carries greater responsibilities than at any time in its history as it faces new, increasingly complex threats and challenges.
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June 22, 2024 - Anna Dohnalová - Hot TopicsIssue 4 2024Magazine

The threat of disinformation on democracies around Europe has been vastly underestimated over the last ten years. Although the EU parliament has made attempts to adapt to these new challenges, it continues to battle Russian propaganda which is ever evolving. Photo: European Parliament (CC) https://www.flickr.com/photos/european_parliament/52519229729

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