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Winter is a constant struggle for survival. On the Avdiivka front, the challenges faced by Ukrainian paramedics in the cold

The second winter of Russia’s war against Ukraine is much harsher than the last, with temperatures sometimes nearing minus 20 degrees centigrade. Yet, the low temperatures do not change the intensity of the combat. The Russians waited for the deep cold and the ground to solidify to launch new offensives, including in Avdiivka, where volunteer combat medics attempt to evacuate and save the lives of wounded Ukrainian soldiers.

In Donetsk Oblast, the purplish-blue flashing lights of an armoured 4x4 turned ambulance tear through the thickness of the night. On the battered asphalt, fires sketch reddish stains. Fog covers the ground, and Oleh Kyrsa, 32, the ambulance driver, presses on the accelerator. The night is calm and the vehicle, noiselessly, makes its way up the M030 road connecting the Bakhmut sector to the city of Sloviansk. Earlier in the day, Ukrainian forces had stopped a new Russian assault. "It's just another day," Oleh smiles, without taking his eyes off the road.
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April 11, 2024 - Joseph Roche - Issue 3 2024MagazineStories and ideas

A MOAS team works to save the life of a wounded soldier during the harsh winter of 2024. “With the cold and frost, everything takes much longer,” explains Oleksiy. “Everything is slowed down, and we have to drive even more carefully to avoid obstacles.” Photo: Nicolas Cleuet / Le Pictorium12 17 2023. Photographie par Nicolas Cleuet / Le PIctorium

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