Leading a rethink of China’s Belt and Road Initiative
China’s Belt and Road Initiative is no longer seen as attractive today as it was ten years ago. However, some key differences in approaches to China are emerging throughout Europe. This is evident when analysing German engagement towards China, versus that of Southeast Europe.
It has been ten years since the inauguration of China’s flagship foreign economic policy – the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The Chinese President Xi Jinping has labelled the BRI as the “project of the century.” Many of the more than 140 participating countries have ample reason to take stock of the benefits and drawbacks of their cooperation with, and integration into, this geopolitical and geo-economic project.
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November 20, 2023 -
Jens Bastian
Hot TopicsIssue 6 2023Magazine
A monument to Confucius in Front of the Chinese Cultural Centre Building in New Belgrade. China is consolidating its role in the region of Southeast Europe, especially in the Western Balkans.
Photo: Baloncici / Shutterstock
China, Germany, South Caucasus