Zelenskyy’s formula for peace
As the war continues in Ukraine, claiming lives, destroying infrastructure and undermining the economy, the Ukrainian authorities and people are united by a common desire to stop Russian aggression, the associated daily horrors and suffering as soon as possible. In order to make its own position clear before the international community and within the framework of demonstrating readiness for a peace process, the Ukrainian side has submitted a basic set of principles and approaches which has formed the basis of a “peace formula” – or “Zelenskyy Formula” as it is often called.
November 19, 2023 -
Anton Naychuk
Hot TopicsIssue 6 2023Magazine

President Zelesnkyy’s has been promoting his “peace formula” since its launch at the G7 Summit in 2022. The end goal of the peace formula is the “necessity of liberating Ukrainian territories from temporary occupation”. Photo: Review News / Shutterstock