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From domestic abuse to Wagner’s sledgehammer: war as a product of systemic violence in Russia

Russian war crimes in Ukraine and the terror against people in occupied territories will go down in the history books. In a sense, the Russo-Ukrainian War is a clash of civilisations. Wartime politics has exposed the long-known yet startling truth about the low price of human life in Russia – a product of a deeply entrenched culture of violence. There is a direct link between the war in Ukraine and the political disempowerment of Russian society.

Both Ukrainians and EU citizens have been shocked by Russian war crimes, but equally shocking may be how Russia’s politicians and military leadership treat their soldiers. They are nothing more than cannon fodder, utilised in the name of Putin’s neo-imperial ambitions. Even more perplexing is the fatalism and the lack of resistance from conscripts sent to be slaughtered on the frontline, as well as from their families.
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April 29, 2023 - Maria Domańska - AnalysisIssue 2 2023Magazine

Russian conscripted men at a soldiers recruiting office during Russia's military mobilization. Photo: Dmitriy Kandinskiy / Shutterstock

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