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Azerbaijan’s helping hand to Turkey after the disaster

The earthquakes that took place in Turkey on February 6th 2023 caused a massive amount of death and injury. In response, Azerbaijan has made moves to help the Turkish people by supporting them in every way possible. The Azerbaijani assistance has only encouraged greater cooperation, and relations between the two countries have now been taken to the next level.

February 7th 2023 is a day that will forever be etched in the memory of the people of Kahramanmaraş and Hatay in Turkey’s Anatolia region. This was the day when two tragic 7.7 magnitude earthquakes struck the region, causing massive destruction and loss of life. The world watched in horror as images of the devastation and despair filled our screens. At the time of writing, the earthquake has claimed the lives of half a million people in the affected cities. Yet, in the midst of this tragedy, something remarkable happened.
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April 28, 2023 - Arzu Bunyad - Issue 2 2023MagazineStories and ideas

The image of Server Beşirli and his car full of aid became a symbol of the solidarity between Azerbaijan and Turkey in the aftermath of the earthquake. Photo: Twitter

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