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Putin’s hidden war. How the Kremlin is bombing us on the internet

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been characterised as the first full-scale “social media war”. Russia uses social media to not only spread propaganda but also the “fog of war”. Its efforts aim to both demonise Ukraine in the West and strengthen Russian support for the war.

War propaganda is the deliberate use of factual or fictitious information to sway public opinion and trigger strong feelings like fear, hatred, guilt, adulation or outrage. It has been a crucial tactic of battle throughout history and has evolved into a “necessity” of warfare that can take many different shapes. Even if Russian claims of significant successes over “Ukrainian Nazis” may be mocked in the West, these strategies have been very successful within Russia and among supporters of the country.
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February 15, 2023 - Grigol Julukhidze - Issue 1-2 2023Lessons of cybersecurityMagazine

Vladimir Putin with Margarita Simonyan, one of Russia's key propagandists. Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

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